names: | left wing,wing,forewing,Abdomen,wing,wing,wing,wing,wing,wing |
descriptions: | black and white striped,black and white stripes,black and white striped,White Striped,white and black striped,black and white striped,black and white striped,black and white striped,black and white striped,striped |
names: | Forewing,Wing,hindwing,scales,wing,wing,hind wing,hindwing,wing,wing |
descriptions: | white dots,White Edge,brown and white,white edge,white edge,white edge,white edged,white,black edge with white spots,black and white edge |
names: | wing,wing,wing,forewing,wing,forewing,left wing,wing,fore wing,Wing |
descriptions: | orange with black spots,yellow colored and black spotted,orange with black dots,orange black spots,orange edge,orange and black striped,yellow and black edge,brown spots,spotted,Spotted |
names: | wing,Wing,abdomen,abdomen,hindwing,abdomen,forewing/hindwing,,wing,wing |
descriptions: | black spotted,Black Spotted,long,black spotted,white and black,black,white two black spots,white,black dot,bright |
names: | thorax,Abdomen,wing,thorax,thorax,thorax,thorax,thorax,thorax,body |
descriptions: | black,Black Spotted,spotted,black,black,black,black,black,white,blue |
names: | wing,wing,fore wing,wing,wing,wing,forewing,wing,Wing,right wing |
descriptions: | white edge,whitelines,striped,black and white striped,white stripes,black edge,green and black,black and white,Black and White Edge,black and white edge |
names: | wing,wings,wing,wing,wing,forewing,forewing,fore wing,Wing,scales |
descriptions: | bright,yellow and black spots,orange with black dots,yellow and black spots,orange with black spots,oragnge and black spotted,yellow and black edge,spotted,Black Spotted,yellow dots |
names: | hindwing,wing,wing,Wing,wing,wing,forewing,wing,wing,wing |
descriptions: | white,black and white edge,white design in black border,White Edge,spotted,white edge,black and brown,edge dots,white edge,white edge |
names: | abdomen,abdomen,abdomen,abdomen,abdomen wings,Abdomen,head,wing,wing,wing |
descriptions: | long,yellow marks,long,orange and black striped,yellow black,Long Black,tiny,yellow stripes,black and yellow stripe,red pattern |
names: | wings,Wing,wing,wing,wing,fore wing,wing,hindwing,wing,wing |
descriptions: | yello andwhiteline,Black Spotted,orange and black,red with black spots,orange with black dots,spotted,yellow and white edge,orange and black spotted,brown and yellow,yellow and black striped |
names: | Abdomen,abdomen,wing,abdomen,wing,wing,abdomen,wing,Back,wing |
descriptions: | White Striped,long,black & white middle part,white,white stripe,white edge,white patch,white stripe,white black and red,black and white |
names: | Fore Wing,Wing,wing,wing,right wing,wing,wing,wing,wing,forewings |
descriptions: | Black with Yellow Stripped,White Edge,brown with yellow edge,black and white striped,yellow and brown edge,edge,striped,yellow striped,orange and white patch,white and brown spots |
names: | Wing,fore wing,wing,hindwing,wing,wing,wing,wing,edge,wing |
descriptions: | Red Striped,striped,orenge stripped,red,red stripe,white and black edge,red patch,red stripe,black red,orange stripe at the edge |
names: | scales,wing,wing,Wing,left wing,wing,wing,hindwing,wing,wing |
descriptions: | white edge,black and white,white edge,White Edge,brown and black edge,white edge,black edge with white spots,brown and black,white edge,white edge |
names: | wing,wing,fore wing,wing,win,scales,scales,wing,Forewing,forewing |
descriptions: | white edge,whitelines,striped,black and white striped,white stripe,white colored,green and black,white edged,White Striped,black and brown edge |
names: | wing,wing,wings,wing,wings,wing,fore wing,hindwing,Wing,wing |
descriptions: | yellow and white edge,Yellow and white striped,yellow and black stripes,red and black pattern,white spots,yellow colored,spotted,orange,Black Spotted,black and white stripes |
names: | right wing,wing,wing,Wing,wing,wing,wing,hindwing,fore wing,wing |
descriptions: | black and white edge,white edge,edge,White Edge,brown with white edge,spotted,white edge,white,white edge,white edge |
names: | wing,hindwing,wing,wing,wing,Wing,wing,wing,right wing,scales |
descriptions: | yellow edge,orange and black striped,black spotted,yellow edge,spotted,Black Spotted,brown and yellow,orange and black edge,golden and black edged,yellowmark |