*************************************************** MCMC-based ice layer finding (c) 2014 Stefan Lee, Jerome Mitchell, David Crandall Please see README for instructions on how to use, LICENSE for licensing information. For details on the technique, please see: Stefan Lee Jerome Mitchell David J. Crandall Geoffrey C. Fox, "ESTIMATING BEDROCK AND SURFACE LAYER BOUNDARIES AND CONFIDENCE INTERVALS IN ICE SHEET RADAR IMAGERY USING MCMC", in International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2014. Also see our project website: vision.soic.indiana.edu/icelayers This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation (CNS-0723054, OCI-0636361, IIS-1253549, ANT-0424589) and by a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NNX13AN82H). Thanks to the Center for the Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) for providing datasets. *************************************************** This code implements a Gibbs sampler for estimating the position as we as our confidence of surface and bedrock layers in ground penetrating radar imagery. The code assumes a Linux system. Compiling under Mac OS is possible but requires some hacking; compiling under Windows probably requires more hacking. To compile, simply run "make". To run: ./MCMC input.png output.png The output shows the estimated bedrock and ice surface boundaries. For each boundary, we show the expected location as well as 95% confidence intervals on either side, which give a measure of uncertainty. Please see our paper above for more details. We have included some sample images in the sample-images directory. Other compile options: make mcmc (produces non-optimized code that may possibly be more accurate) make debug (produces non-optimized code like above but also outputs images in the run folder every 100 iterations showing state of sampler) make clean (removes generated executables) make mex (version for Matlab integration)