"Artificial intelligence researchers teach computers to think like people,"
Indiana Daily Student,
Sept 6, 2016.
"IU faculty to help shape the future at Luddy School's new artificial intelligence center,"
The Herald-Times,
Aug 9, 2021.
"Artificial Intelligence,"
Hoosier Kids Podcast,
Nov 16, 2022.
"AI: Demystifying the Technology,"
Ethical AI Podcast,
September 2022.
"Artificial Intelligence,"
Sept 16, 2021.
"AI is not yet perfect, but it's on the rise and getting better with computer vision,"
Dec 9, 2021.
"Artificial intelligence is no longer science fiction,"
Indiana Business Journal,
May 29, 2019.
"Students explore artificial intelligence at open house,"
Indiana Daily Student,
April 17, 2016.
"Let's go deeper,"
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose Thorn,
March 27, 2017.
"Can we teach computers to learn like kids do?,"
Indianapolis Business Journal,
August 26, 2017.
"The Near Future of Artificial Intelligence,"
WFIU Public Radio Noon Edition,
October 6, 2017.
"IU Matters: Artificial Intelligence,"
WTIU Public Television,
April 19, 2018.
"IU Experts Embrace the Potential of Artificial Intelligence,"
IU Alumni Magazine,
Winter 2018.
"Higher education, training institutions look to keep up with AI advancements,"
Indianapolis Business Journal,
September 22, 2023.
"AI and College,"
Indianapolis FOX-59 Morning Show live interview,
August 24, 2023.
"Artificial Intelligence: technology of the future,"
WFIU Public Radio Noon Edition,
January 24, 2023.
"Artificial Intelligence,"
IU Student Television,
February 9, 2023.
Lifelogging privacy (UbiComp 2014 paper)
First-person computer vision (NDSS 2014 paper)
"Not OK, Glass: PlaceAvoider Software Limits Life-Logging Devices,"
MIT Technology Review,
January 28, 2014.
"Not OK, Glass,"
Communications of the ACM,
January 30, 2014.
"This software flags inappropriate Google Glass photos,"
Fast Company,
January 30, 2014.
Science funding (EMBO Reports 2014 paper)
"With this new system, scientists never have to write a grant application again,"
April 13, 2017.
"A New Funding Model for Scientists,"
Science Careers Magazine,
January 13, 2014.
"Making every scientist a research funder,"
February 7, 2014.
"Put your money where your citations are: a proposal for a new funding system,"
Scientific American (Information Culture Blog),
August 27, 2013.
Opportunistic 3d reconstruction project (NDSS 2013 paper)
"PlaceRaider: The Military Smartphone Malware Designed to Steal Your Life,"
MIT Technology Review,
September 28, 2012.
(Also included in their "Best of 2012" list.)
"PlaceRaider app lets phone camera spy on people,"
PC World,
September 30, 2012.
"Scary New Malware Uses Your Smartphone To Map Your House for Robbers,"
September 28, 2012.
"Spookiest Smartphone Malware Yet?,"
The Atlantic,
September 29, 2012.
"PlaceRaider Builds a Model of Your World With Smartphone Photos,"
September 30, 2012.
"Hijacked smartphone camera spies on your world,"
New Scientist,
October 1, 2012.
"Live interview with Mike McConnell,"
WGN Chicago,
October 3, 2012.
Bird recognition project
Flickr ecology project (WWW 2012 paper)
3D reconstruction project
Social co-occurrences project (PNAS 2010 paper)
"Online photo coincidences betray your friends,"
New Scientist,
December 10, 2010.
"Geotagging reveals not only where you are, but also people you might know,"
Cornell Chronicle,
December 8, 2010.
"Flickr and Privacy,"
BBC World Service,
December 21, 2010.
Photo mapping project (WWW 2009 paper)
"The world's most photogenic sites, according to Flickr,"
April 27, 2009.
"Cornell team maps out 35 million Flickr photos,"
The Guardian,
April 27, 2009.
"Analysis of Flickr photos could lead to online travel books,"
Cornell Chronicle,
April 28, 2009.
"Flickr users make accidental maps,"
New Scientist,
April 29, 2009.
"On grid's birthday, beautiful Manhattan maps,"
Wall Street Journal,
May 22, 2011.
"10 record-breaking bridges,",
December 12, 2011.
"25 Most photographed places on Earth,"
Budget Travel Magazine,
May 24, 2011.
"The Eiffel Tower is the world's most photographed landmark... but London's Trafalgar Square comes a close second,"
The Daily Mail,
April 30, 2009.
"Revealed: the world's most photographed landmarks,"
The Sydney Morning Herald,
April 30, 2009.