Web Design History Interviews

We are currently doing a study investigating the history of web design. In the past, we’ve been looking at this topic from a computer vision angle, but we found that very often, we were missing the human side of web design. To better understand how the design process has changed, we are interviewing experienced web designers about their work.

About this Study

We are researchers at Indiana University Bloomington in Informatics and Computer Science seeking to understand how the process of designing websites has evolved since the Internet’s first website nearly 30 years ago (here’s a teaser of some of our on-going work: https://theconversation.com/yes-websites-really-are-starting-to-look-more-similar-136484). This study examines how the tools, processes, state of the Internet, and the profession have evolved over time. The goals of this research are to better understand the evolution of web design and what challenges should be addressed to foster creativity and innovation in web design.


We are looking for participants involved in web design or development since the mid-2000s (or earlier).

What You Will be Doing

The study will involve an interview lasting about one hour over Zoom asking about your experience with web design.

Before the interview, we will ask you to prepare a portfolio to help you explain your past web design experience. The portfolio does not need to be polished – for example, it could simply be a collection of screenshots or archive.org links. We will use these examples to guide our conversation.

Any use of the interview will be anonymized in publications that result.

Contact Us

Please contact sgoree [at] iu [dot] edu if you are interested in participating, or have any questions!

Research Team